翻译~~~~ 一定要准!!!救命~~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 13:44:19
The search engine marketing industry is consistently evolving, sometimes at a pace that makes it hard to believe that search engine marketing services can stay on top of all the latest developments. The one constant for search engine marketing firms, and for the industry in general, is change—usually for the better, sometimes for the worse, but almost always significant. The industry is not for the faint-hearted or those who abhor change. However, savvy search engine marketing firms try to look ahead to anticipate trends. Here are my predictions of issues that search engine marketing services will face in the short term.


搜索引擎营销业一贯都是不停演变的, 有时在某一阶段会让人难以相信搜索引擎营销服务可以与所有最新的发展前沿同步。一个对搜索引擎销售公司或者说一般行业来讲不变的因素,就是改变---通常时好时坏, 但后果几乎都是重大的。这个行业不适合那些懦弱或痛恨变动的人。但是, 精明的搜索引擎销售公司会设法朝前看并先人一步赶上潮流。这是我对于搜索引擎营销服务短期内将面临的问题的预测。
