
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 06:10:07
End-To-End services

CMA CGM is committed to offering the market’s most extensive range of services, to deliver just the right solution to every shipping need.

Ships and containers

With a fleet of 279 ships of between 133 and 9,415 TEU and more than 10 container classes operating on more than 80 shipping routes around the world, CMA CGM can meet your every maritime shipping need.


CMA CGM 答应提供市场最广泛类型的服务, 只是递送对每运送需要的正确解决办法。


藉由 279 的舰队,在 133 而且 9,415TEU 之间的船和超过 10个容器分类多于 80个运送全球的路径上操作,CMA CGM 能符合你的每一海的运送需要。