
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 09:37:33
第四条 乙方的义务、责任
4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务。
4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存。
4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商业秘密,未获甲方事先书面同意,不向任何第三人透露甲方的相关信息,但根据有关政府机关或法院要求透露的不在此限,但乙方应在第一时间通知甲方。
4.4 当甲方或由甲方指定交货方交付货物给乙方后,乙方应对此货物负责,乙方必须将货物完整无缺地进行指定的仓储、运输、配送工作。如乙方将货物送错、毁损、丢失的,乙方应协助甲方妥善处理相关事宜,其带来的费用和损失由甲乙双方协商负担。
4.5 乙方负责向甲方提供货物送达签收回执;如对方没有签收应向甲方书面说明原因,并及时与甲方联系解决,甲方向客户联系得到确认的,视为货物已送达;但乙方不能提供签收回执由此造成甲方对客户主张的权利不能实现的,乙方应承担相应的责任。
4.6 乙方必须按双方约定的时间送货,否则每延迟一天乙方按运费的3‰支付甲方违约金。
4.7 乙方同意放弃对甲方货物的留置权,未经甲方同意不得将甲方货物以任何形式进行处置。
4.8 本协议约定的实际价值以甲方的出售价格(即甲方的发票金额)为准。

Artile Four: Obligation and Responsibility of Party B
4.1 Party B undertakes its obligation as logistics service provider under this Agreement.
4.2 Party B guarantees that it has relevant qualifications/licenses for offering logistics services, and can submit copies of such qualifications/licenses to Party A for record.
4.3 Party B has the obligation to keep commercial secret for Party A, and must not disclose Party A's information to any third party without obtaining written consent from Party A in advance, unless such disclosure is upon request from related government authority or court, however Party B must inform Party A at the first time.
4.4 Party B shall be responsible for the cargo once the cargo is delivered to Party B by Party A or any delivery party appointed by Party A. Party B must store, transport and distribute the cargo as requested completely and intact. Party B shall assist Party A for proper settlement of any wrong delivery, damage or cargo