
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 09:49:52
品牌的形象与企业的影响力休戚与共,在市场商务活动中,展馆设计,新品发布,庆典或者年会,无一不是维系品牌形象的重要元素。 我们深谙每一个市场活动都是为品牌的下一步的成功,国际化的操作,切合市场的策划,完美的现场效果渲染,必将为品牌增值。 2006年,配合品牌宣传,团队精诚合作,辗转各大城市,在舟车劳顿中却欣慰于客户对杰克的肯定。 2006年的众多的大型展会策划案例,效果完美,品牌在展会中得到突显。 “他们没有把展会仅仅理解为展会,而是看作品牌在市场活动中的一个环节,所以他们更能理解我们产品面临市场时所碰到的问题,使我们品牌所传达的形象更契合中国这个市场”,韩国KDO的金敏昌如是说。 事实也如此,正是基于这样的理解,我们在对待一个品牌时显得很仔细甚至有点谨慎,因为我们做的就是形象,能简单吗?

Brand image is closely related to the influence of an enterprise. All among these commercial and marketing activities, the design of showroom, the release of new products, the celebration or anniversary parties, are elements that maintain the image of a brand. We fully recognise the fact that, everey marketing activity will lay the stone for the upcoming success of a brand, internationalised coordination, market-oriented planning, and outstanding carry out of the event will add value to the brand. In year 2006,our team has worked seamlessly in every major city to promote the brand, and we are overjoyed to have received clients' positive feedback and appreciation on Jack's product. Numerous major exhibition plannings in the year 2006 are carried out perfectly with excellent effect. The brand has been in the centre of attraction in the exhibition. "They take the exhibition not only as an event, but an indisposable link of branding in marketing activity. Thus they know mo