
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 11:51:53
关键词 反贪侦查 以快制胜 快速出击 及时取证
尽管随着反腐败斗争的不断深入,以及对经济犯罪分子打击力度的进一步加强,贪污贿赂犯罪活动受到一定遏制,但是同时,犯罪分子作案手段日趋隐蔽,反侦查反审讯的经验也更加丰富,之是这类犯罪呈现出立案难‘查证难‘定罪难的新态势.在反贪侦查活动中犯罪嫌疑人对检察机关稍有察觉,就会毁灭假造证据‘串供 转移赃款赃物,所以反贪侦察必须善于抓住时机,快反应 快出击 快取证,在最短的时间内把犯罪分子容易隐匿 毁灭的主要证据固定下来,以快制胜 以快追赃 以快突破关系网.科学指挥 合理部署 协调各方面的力量以最快的速度侦破案件.

key words:anti-corruption,subdue ahead of time,fast break,take timely evidence

The crimes concerning corruption and bribery have been contained to a certain degree due to the deeply-penetration of the anti-corruption campaign and the strenghening crack down on economical criminals.However,criminals adopt more and more concealed tricks as well as their growing anti-corruptional experience and anti-interrogation tactics,which makes it even tougher to prosecute the criminal,take evidence and convit the criminal.(到新态势,待续,累。)