
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 19:08:28
13. QUALITY AND INSPECTION: Seller understands that Buyer may utilize "Just in Time" scheduling which requires that all materials be delivered defect free and that Buyer may place the materials directly into production without further inspection. Seller shall perform any inspections required to ensure that no defective material is received by Buyer. Seller also assumes all costs for loss or damage to Buyer and indemnifies Buyer against loss for claims of products liability resulting from delivery by Seller of nonconforming materials to Buyer:

(a) Materials delivered hereunder shall meet or exceed all applicable API, ANSI, SAE, AST, NFPA, ASME, ASTM, UL and other industry or trade association standards, Buyer specifications and quality standards and the Seller’s own internal quality standards and shall be fit for their intended use. It shall be Seller’s responsibility to identify any conflicts between any such specifications and bring those to the attention of Bu

大哥 这么多 一点悬赏分都没

13. 质量检查: 卖方知道买方可利用"随时"调度规定凡运送物资和缺陷,买方可免费直接把材料制作成没有进一步检查. 卖方应履行任何检查,以确保没有受到损坏的材料是买主. 卖方承担所有费用也损失或损坏买方对买方的损失作出赔偿,并声称因产品责任由卖方交付给买方非材料: (一)提供的材料,应当具备以下或超过所有适用短片的ANSI、分部、AST的,流体动力,对ASME、ASTM的,一经UL 钕行业协会或其他行业标准,补液 住宅质量标准和规格和卖方的内部质量标准,并应适合其预定的用途. +胸部 应卖方的责任找出冲突带任何此种规格的注意力买方书面同意. 所有商品填报以下将会受到买家的最后检查和审批,不论付款日期. 买方可以拒绝货物不依照指示、规格、图纸、 数据或卖方明示或默示的保证("不符货物")、拒绝或接受其他一些不符货物在其选择. 买方保留权利检查货物供应来源; 但是 检查任何消息选举不放弃,不得视为卖方的权利,或作为检查验收. 买方可以拒绝货物返回于卖方卖方和买方须再忽视这种义务买方可保留货物或商品及拒绝买方卖方应负担其损失. 金品不应视为对任何接受和买方蒙受无论如何应拒绝支付任何物品.