
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 12:35:54
So long and thanks for all the fish...

As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't updated the site for quite some time. In fact, my last review was well over a year ago. A few things changed over the past year, cumulating in no more site updates.

The biggest is that I'm no longer an anime fan. My interest had been declining over the last few years, and I finally realized I'm just not into it anymore. This isn't to say I dislike anime. I just no longer get excited checking out the latest releases. Have seen hundreds of anime over the years, nothing seems fresh anymore. How many more anime about love triangles, giant robots and so on do we need? Everything seems so repetitive.

My general interest in films has also grown and replaced my anime viewing. Instead of hitting the local comic store for a few anime rentals, I'd go down to the local Rogers Video instead. I've seen a lot of classics, epics, and foreign films over the last

我现在发觉自己对电影作品的兴趣渐浓,而且取代了动漫原来的位置。 现在我已不像过去那样去动漫店租最新的动漫剧,而是到像Rogers Video这样的店子里去收集电影作品。过去的一年多时间里,我已看过众多的经典片、史诗片和外国电影等。正因为如此,我上次看动漫作品到现在已有一年多时间了
我也不确定现在网站发生了什么样的变化,我现在仍在坚持金属动漫评论计划(Metal Anime Review Project)。最近登陆网站的一些访问者也许已注意到网站换了新的界面。同时,网站会继续下去的。人们仍然会访问我们的网站,所以我认为这些评论的存在还是发挥了一定的作用的
我想要感谢这几年一直对我好言相劝的每一位朋友。 我知道虽然自己没有给收到的任何一封email回信,但请相信我,你们的话语真的对我来说很中听,至于那些不太友善的...哦,那我就不说了。至少人们读了我的评论,即使他们并不赞成我的观点。