英语 麻烦看下哪些地方有错啊?不胜感激!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 00:11:22
During my past two years,taking the position of declarant in the first year , the position of declarant and vice manager of bussiness department the second.Familiar with the procedure of customs clearance of most of the goods,individually capable of the operation of the clearance of the import and export goods .Very careful and patient, proficient in English.Able to work independently!
谢谢哦!不过No problem with speaking in English. 要不要改一下呢?听说读写方面没有问题怎么说呢?
2006/01 国际货运代理资格证
2005/12 报关复核员资格证
2005/07 院优秀毕业生
2005/03 报关员资格证书
2004/10 优秀学生干部
2003/10 优秀团干部,获院一等奖学金


In my past two years,I worked as a declarant in the first year , and took the position of declarant and Vice Manager of Bussiness Department in the following year. I'm familiar with the procedures of customs clearance,and I'm individually capable in clearancing import and export goods .I'm very careful and patient, and I'm also proficient in English. I firmly believe that I am able to work independently!

你这个 proficient in English 太夸张了点,我英语专业毕业都不敢这么讲-_-!

PS:楼上兄弟的修改很简洁明了。你可以就说Competent in English.

During my 2 years working career,I had taken position of declarant in the first year and the deputy manager in the second year.I have rich experience about the procedure of customs clearance,the operation of the clearance in import and export goods.No problem with speaking in English.
帮你改了下 你的话是翻译软件翻的吗?没一点水平啊 汗。。。还说英语好。。。不过老外应该能看懂 这是绝对正宗的中式英语
