
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 08:31:28
关于crop circles的叙述啦,超急的~~~~

Crop circles are one of the most profound and mysterious phenomena of the modern age. Are they a communication from extra-terrestrials? Evidence of other dimensions or a catalyst to advancing our way of thinking?

Governments have discussed them and then sought to confuse and misinform the populace through their control and manipulation of the popular media.

The military have endangered life and safety in order to investigate and monitor crop formations, yet they deny involvement.

Hollywood has sought to manipulate the truth and credibility of scientific evidence and facts, yet film goers become ever more intrigued.

Hoaxers have sought to deceive, confuse and muddy research waters, in the same way that computer virus writers seek attention and attempt to contaminate data.

Some crop circles are hoaxed. Some are not. We research those that are not!

This web site strives to shatter orthodox scientific arrogance, inform an