
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 17:22:26
As described above, according to the present invention, there are provided time delay elements which are equal to or greater in number than the value obtained by dividing the cycle period of the cyclic target input by the sampling period of the deviation between the controlled object output and the cyclic target input. Each time delay element is periodically applied with the sum of the product of a periodically sampled deviation and the first gain associated with each time delay element, the product of an input to the controlled object and the second gain associated with each time delay element, and an output of the preceding time delay element. Further, the sum of the product of the periodically sampled deviation and the third gain, and an output of the time delay element disposed on the controlled object side is periodically applied to the controlled object.

Unlike the conventional repetitive control wherein the input to the controlled object is changed in accordance with

如上所述,根据现行发明 还有分子所提供延时人数等于或超过所得的价值除以 循环周期内的采样对象投入时间输出对象的偏差 循环指标和投入. 每个单元时延定期与应用产品的总和,并定期采样的偏差 每一次与增益延时元素 产品投入受控对象和增益相结合的第二次推迟元素 一个产值上延时单元. 此外,该产品的总和,并定期抽样误差三得利, 和输出的延时单元的对象弃置一边是定期向受控 物体. 不同于传统重复控制下的投入对象是依照国家变变 <控制物体,依照现行发明 重复控制是可能履行而不需要使用状态变量的对象. 因此, 稳定重复控制的对象可以实现受控状态,即使对象是可变的控制 不直接观测. 自从投入受控对象的基础上产生偏差,定期采样、 响应延迟,产生一个重复控制系统和控制对象 环靶的投入也会相对减少. 此外, 这不是不可避免的重复控制系统提供所需的时间延迟分子的Z的号码是1 刚刚获得价值相当于除以循环周期内投入的采样周期目标 该偏差 只要人数要件是等于或大于上述值. 因此, 重复控制系统的弹性,提供优良的控制当有一个周期内的变化 环靶的投入.