
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 08:15:26
我是郴州师范高等专科学校2001届毕业生。我今年30岁。在大学读书期间,我学习刻苦,兴趣广泛。在认真学好本专业的同时,也认真学习文学写作,音乐等方面的知识。为了培养文学写作能力。1999年我通过竞聘,成为了郴州师专广播台专职编辑兼记者, 大学期间,写下的中文作品达三万多字,并在校内外报刊公开发表文章数十篇。由于在工作中求实创新,认真负责,被多次评为“优秀记者“,通过工作活泼开朗、乐观向上的我具备了深厚的文学功底。.2001年大学毕业后我在浙江海宁市长安镇一所中学工作。我一方面认真作好自己的本职工作,另一方面努力学习,参加了全国统一的专升本考试,考取了浙江师范大学。在工作中我努力培养教学科研能力,曾独立负责2003年海宁市级教研课题,现已成功结题。初步具备了较强的教学科研能力。本人作风塌实,开朗热情,具备较高的教育能力和较高的写作水平。2006年我来到了广西大学读书。大学毕业至今6年间积累了一定的社会工作经验,所以更善于与人沟通协调。我将在今后实践中虚心学习不断钻研,积累工作经验,不断提高工作能力。真诚的希望您能给我一个展现才华的机会!

I am Chenzhou Teachers College graduate in 2001. I am a 30-year-old. In university, I study hard, and broad interests. In the careful study of the profession, while also writing seriously studying literature, music and other aspects. To foster literary writing. I have to be hired in 1999 and became a full-time editor and reporter Chenzhou College radio stations, universities, wrote works and over 30,000 Chinese characters, and dozens of school newspapers published articles. As realistic and innovative in their work seriously, and it has been repeatedly rated "excellent news" and through an open and lively work, optimistic, I have a deep knowledge of literature. . After I graduated from university in 2001, mayor of Haining, Zhejiang Town of a high school work. While conscientiously do their work, the other to study hard and participate in a unified national Upgrading examination Zhejiang Normal University pass. I strive to train in teaching and research work, have an indepe