
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 20:12:12

《a perfect indian》是爱尔兰女星辛妮德-奥康娜(Sinead O'Cornner)为数不多的柔情小品。好象在静静欣赏着一幅悠远的画面,现实或梦境中:羞涩的印第安人,他有一个甜美的小女儿,她有着红红的脸颊,可能是要换牙了,所以会牙疼。虽然牙疼,坐在桌上、穿着小黄衣服的女孩为了照相还要强装笑颜……简单的情景,简单的幸福。一颗疲惫的心渴望的,还是淡淡的、像流水一样的温情。有网友说,不同于恩雅不沾人间烟火的天籁,奥康娜的声音是体味了世态炎凉之后的平静,随意且暧昧,带着一丝寂寥,一抹落寞……
Sinead O'Connor ,耳里有淡淡的,不经意的忧郁,让浮躁的心战士和缓下来。A Perfect Indian,专辑《穿过骨头抚摩你》里的一首。一首不能常听的好歌,听多会感觉骨头里的寂寞一丝丝全部爬起来,压抑到自己泪流满面。

"a perfect indian" is Irish female star Xin Nide - Austria Kang iselegant (Sinead O' Cornner) few in number tender feelings sketch.Resembles calmly is appreciating a distant picture, in the reality orthe dreamland: The shy Indian, he has a delightful youngest daughter,she has the red cheeks, possibly was must get permanent teeth,therefore met the tooth to hurt.Although the tooth hurts, sits on the table, is putting on the youngHuang clothes girl in order to photograph also must strongly installthe smiling face... ... Simple scene, simple happiness.An exhausted heart longs for, or is light, likes the running watersame tender feeling. Some 网友 said that, was different elegantlydoes not moisten 人间烟火 to graciousness the sounds of nature,after the Austria Kang Na sound has appreciated 世态炎凉 thetranquility, at will also was ambiguous, is bringing a loneliness, assoon as wiped desolately... ...
Sinead O' Connor, in the ear has lightly, the nonchalantmelancholy, lets