
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 14:42:15

薪酬问题是人力资源管理的核心问题, 也是每一位管理者和员工最关心的问题。随着我国加入WTO,外资银行大举进入,我国国有商业银行要在市场竞争中赢得竞争优势,关键是吸引、激励和留住人才,这又很大程度上取决于企业薪酬体系的竞争力。但是由于历史等种种原因,国有商业银行的薪酬体系存在着很大问题,不能适应目前国有商业银行的发展要求,建立科学、合理、高效的薪酬激励机制具有非常重要的现实意义。近年来,我国国有商业银行在薪酬体系改革方面进行了积极的探索,但由于多方面因素的影响,目前我国商业银行的薪酬体系改革并未真正在深层次上取得实质性突破。本文概括了国有商业银行薪酬体系现状,总结了其中存在的问题,并着重从薪酬内部一致性及外部竞争性两个方面分析了存在的问题,同时比较了国有商业银行与国内商业银行以及与外资银行银行之间薪酬体系的差别,最后提出了国有商业银行薪酬体系存在问题的对策。

Compensation issue is a core issue in HR management and possibly the mostly concerned issue for any individual employee. Foreign banks are jostling into the opened Chinese financial market following China’s WTO entry, and local commercial banks have to attract, retain and motivate talents properly to compete with incoming foreign giants, which in turn will be largely decided by the competitiveness of their compensation programs for employees. However, due to historical reasons, the compensation system in state commercial banks still has lots of loopholes and is insufficient to support development strategies of local banks; therefore, it is quite meaningful to develop a scientific, reasonable and efficient compensation system in state commercial banks.

Chinese state-owned commercial lenders have made proactive exploration in reforming their compensation systems, but there are so far no major breakthroughs in this aspect on different factors. The article summarizes the comp