
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 11:18:48
这款机器全身银黑色调搭配,高级镜面前框饰版,银色的边框和多样化底座,整体看上去虽设计简单却不失为经典之作。出于成本上的考虑,并没有配备多功能底座。价格低廉和外型简约的优势外,在性能方面有许多值得圈点的地方,所采用的是液晶屏幕,还配备了2W*2立体喇叭,除可观看电视节目(ATV+DTV),也支持至PC :1440*900 Monitor高分辨率画面,一机多用.

This machine silver black body transfer bid before the High mirror frame decorated version, a silver frame and the diversification of the dock, Although the overall design looks simple but it is indeed classic. For cost considerations, and not equipped with multi-functional base. Low price and simple appearance of the superiority of the performance has much to highlight the local, are using the LCD screen, 2W*2 also equipped with stereo speakers, Apart from watching television (ATV+DTV), and also supports PC to : 1440*900 Monitor high-resolution screen, a multi-purpose