
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 14:47:16
Given the choice-which he isn't,given that he's been dead for 16 years-would Samusel Beckett celebrate his 100th birthday in France.where he lived for more than half a century and wrote his edectic oeuvre,or in Ireland.the land of his birth and the place that produce in in gim the abgst that made for such great art .
Given 的用法是什么?

如果给他选择的机会——实际上他并没有选择的机会。如果他16年前没有逝世 ,Samusel Beckett在他生活了半个世纪以上 、创作了他最后的作品集的法国为他庆祝100年诞辰吗?抑或是在他出生的岛上 ,在那给他的伟大的艺术带来灵感的地方?