
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 00:26:19
In recent years, significant advances have been made in robotics, artificial intelligence and others fields allowing to make sophisticate biomimetic systems [Bar-Cohen and Breazeal, 2003]. Scientists and engineers are reverse engineering many of animals' performance characteristics using these advances. This interdisciplinary work has resulted in machines that can recognize facial expressions, understand speech, and locomotion in robust bipedal gaits, similar to humans. More recently, advances in polymer sciences have resulted in artificial muscles based on EAP materials that show functional characteristics remarkably similar to biological muscles. The accelerating pace of the advancements in the field of biomimetics seems to make evident that the emergence of machines as our peers is imminent. Although this topic brings with it enormous implications including but not limited to questions regarding the nature of evolution and its role in technological progression.

引言近年已取得重大进展,在机器人 人工智能等领域允许作出sophisticate仿生系统[酒吧-科恩和breazeal,2003〕. 科学家和工程师们的逆向工程许多动物的特性利用这些进展. 这一跨学科的工作已导致机器可识别面部表情,理解讲话 而行进在稳健的双足步态,类似于人类. 最近, 聚合物科学造成人工肌肉基于EAP材料显示功能特点极为类似 生物肌肉. 加快进步的领域biomimetics似乎更明显,出现机器 作为同龄人,我们是迫在眉睫. 虽然这个话题带来了巨大影响,包括但不限于有关问题的性质和演化 其作用的科技进步. 该技术在很大程度上得益于诸如心理学仿生机器人,整合生物学,仿生animatedcreatures, 人工生命元素的功能性仿生机器人,并申请生物启发的智能机器人. 一般来讲,在今天的科技也不错,生动的动画的外观和行为的生物. 但是,在过去几年, 这些工程的仿生智能动物作为机器人的现实阻碍了体力和技术的限制和缺点. 这种机器人可以合并安全着陆有可能损坏的机制, 或者把身体和面部表情,兴奋和喜悦是很容易的任务,对人类和动物做 但非常复杂,工程师. 利用人工智能 有效的人造肌肉和其他仿生技术可望使可能性,切实寻找与做人机器人成 更实际的工程模型