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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 09:38:34
空心微珠(Cenosphere)是 Raask 于 1968 年创名,“Cenosphere”这个单词来自两个希腊单词,Kenos(中空)和 Sphaira(球体),从这个单词的来源就可以很明确知道它外形特征:中空、球形、轻质。空心微珠是20世纪五、六十年代发展起来的一种新型微粒材料。作为一种价廉质轻的芯材,空心微珠具有许多优点,它无毒、自润滑、分散性和流动性好,导热系数小、保温、电绝缘、隔音、稳定性好,广泛应用于航空、航天、机械、物理、化学、电绝缘及军事领域。在纺织工业中,空心微珠曾用于保温涂料和光回归反射织物的开发,效果明显。
溶胶-凝胶技术是指金属化合物(有机或无机)经过溶液、溶胶、凝胶而固化,再经热处理而成氧化物或其他化合物固体微粒子的方法。溶胶-凝胶法有很多优点:制品均一性好,化学成分可以有选择的掺杂复合,制品纯度高,可以制成纤维、薄膜等不同形态的制品,烧结温度比传统的固相温度低 200-500°C 等。

Along with social progress, scientific and technological development, people living in increasingly high demand. In recent years, especially in environmental issues and the growing awareness of health, environmental protection, comfortable in the pursuit of improved, textile products to the higher requirements. Sol-gel method is developed in recent decades in a textile finishing technologies, adoption of this law is a system of textile performance has been greatly improved, but the finished product uniformity, compactness, grain boundary nature so very good. This is the right textiles through sol-gel coating in a study on the use of cenosphere after pre-treatment, then two titanium dioxide, ferrite, zinc oxide-coated titanium dioxide, etc., re-coating of textiles to be dealt with so that the anti-infrared textiles. Cenospheres (Cenosphere) is Raask founding in 1968, and "Cenosphere" The word from two Greek words, Kenos (hollow) and Sphaira (Ball), The word from the source