
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 18:56:29
有鉴于此,从理论上和实际上加强对资本经营的认识。 文章前言简要说明了研究理论的意义,并分析了文章的基本线索和逻辑结构。正文分成四部分,首先,从我国企业资本经营现状分析入手,在研究分析我国企业资本经营存在问题及主要问题产生的原因后又相对提出了解决资本经营存在问题的措施。然后,通过时间调查和可行性分析,探索出适合我国企业经济发展之路。我国企业建立起资本经营机制改革制度以及配套政策的完善等方式充分而有效的支持企业资本经营工作的顺利进行。最后,随着中国加入WTO,我国企业将会面临着更多的机遇与挑战,完善我国资本经营运作方式将会更一步扩大内需要求,提高我国国际竞争能力。


Capital Management for the enterprise itself, is an eternal topic, and the state-owned enterprises in China, it is a brand new subject. Development of the world economy today, the level of enterprise efficiency, strength of the strength of the standard itself is no longer a simple profit or market share, more important is the competitive advantage. This is the enterprise's core competencies. As Mr. Diaobingxian "capital operation -- Discussing investment bankers in the role," a book said, "Business as a tree, from root growth, the foundation is the core capacity of the trunk is the core products, core products from the core capabilities and production units upbringing, Fruit is derived from the final product. core capacity-building win is a magic weapon for competitive advantage. internal management strategy and external trading strategy is the effective use and development of the core is an effective way is the essence of business enterprises. "Capital manag