
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 14:14:27
最后,在本次毕业设计过程中还使涉及到了功能强大的Protel99 SE软件的使用,并利用此软件绘制了系统原理图、印制线路板图。

关键词:单片机、温度传感器、串行通信、抗干扰、Protel99 SE


First, the current design is based on graduation MCU control systems. SCM introduced to the main components of the monitoring system and the architecture, design and principle, the realization of the automatic control system, for the normal operation of equipment for the conditions. Secondly, The graduation address system design used by the C8051F020 the performance and development of a comprehensive done presentation; Then right DS18B20 single-bus digital temperature sensor made of the performance; UART0 while on the way serial communication function and the analysis; Finally, SCM interference measurement system hardware and software design method also be discussed. The graduate design major applications C8051F020 microcontroller as a core element in the analysis and design on the part of the circuit was introduced. After repeated and the simulation running, debugging, revision, the final form of a complete set of procedures system. Practice has proved that the system stability, an