
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 04:51:19
鉴于以上背景,本文以可持续发展观为研究对象、以“绿色”思想为切入点、运用了文献检索法、历史研究法、案例分析法等研究方法对可持续发展观中的“浅绿色”和“深绿色”思想进行了深入的分析与研究。首先,本文对可持续发展观的形成、发展过程及其影响因素进行了概述,并对国内外可持续发展研究的现状进行了总结。然后,通过分析“浅绿色”思想形成的历史背景和“浅绿色”思想在自然观、经济观、技术观和政治观上的表现,指出“浅绿色”思想对于环境保护和可持续发展有一定的历史意义,它促使了人们环境意识的觉醒、各个国家环境组织的成立和环保运动的兴起。但是“浅绿色”思想对环境问题的认识是有一定的局限性的,它仍然是以人类为中心的,是建立在环境与发展分裂的基础之上的。基于对以上对“浅绿色”思想的分析,本文进一步探讨了 “深绿色”思想的内涵及其理论构成,并且详细分析了“深绿色”思想对环境问题认识上的深化、对可持续发展观在理论上的发展、对人与环境、社会和谐相处所提供的深刻意义。最后,本文提出了“深绿色”思想对GDP核算体系、企业经营理念、公众生活方式和消费方式及媒介宣传等方面的启迪。

Given this background, this paper use the concept of sustainable development as the research object to the "green" thinking as a focal point, use a literature search, historical research, Case analysis and other methods of sustainable development concept of the "green light" and "dark green" thinking of the in-depth analysis and research. First of all, the paper on the concept of sustainable development in the formation, development process and its impact factors outlined, sustainable development at home and abroad as well as the study sums up the situation. Then, by analyzing the "green light" thinking of the historical background and the "green light" thinking of the concept of natural, economic concept, technical and political vision of the performance, that the "green light" for the idea of environmental protection and sustainable development has a certain historical significance. it encourages people awakening awarenes