
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 18:46:57
1 毛病出在引擎上 (lie in)
2 一些老年人患有健忘证 (suffer from)
3 她尽可能地满足下属的要求 (meet)
4 成功和财富改变了他的性格 (transform)
5 这是一条迂回曲折的路 (twists and turns)
6 我将注意收集你所需要的资料 (lookout)
7 他正忙于一项研究工作 (involve)
8 这些事情还可以再讨论 (open)
9 父母对子女的影响远远超出人们的想象 (go beyond)
10 公司破产后他几乎濒临绝境 (be close to ,despair)
11 在未来的几年内,物价不可能大幅度增减 (in the years to come)
12 她油漆了房间,使它为之一新 (transform)
13 这家酒店拥有全国最好的客房服务 (best)
14 我们应该听一听同学们对这件事的看法 (view)
15 花太多的时间运动影响了他的学习 ( hold...back)
16 太阳已经转到西边去了 (shift )


1. The problem lies in the engine.
2. Some old people suffer from memory problems.
3. She does whatever she can to meet her staff's require.
4. Success and fortune have transformed his personality.
5. This road has many twists and turns.
6. I will look out for the information you need.
7. He is involved in a research.
8. These issues are remain open.

A problem out in the engine (lie in) some elderly people suffering from two forgetful Card (suffer from) her 3 as far as possible to meet the requirements under the (meet) 4 success and wealth changed his personality (transform ) 5 This is a roundabout way (twists and turns) 6 I will collect your attention to the needs of information (lookout), he was busy with a study (involve) 8 these things can still discussion (open) nine parents of children affected is far beyond people's imagination (go beyond) 10 company After he was almost bankrupt the brink of desperation (to be close, the despai