
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 17:57:03
percentage completed
mission attempts
playing time
day passed in game
safehouse visits
rampages passed
hidden packages found
people you have wasted
people wasted by others
road vehicies destroyed
boat destroyed
planes helicopers destroyed
tire ppoed with gunfire
total number of wanted stars attained
total number of wanted stars evaded
times busted
hospital visits
number of head shots
daily police spending
criminals wasted
kgs of explosives used
bullets fired
bullets that hit
dist traveled on food (miles)
dist traveled by car (miles)
dist traveled by bike (miles)
dist traveled by golf cart (miles)
dist traveled by helicopter (miles)
total distance traveled (miles)
MAX.INSANE jump dist (m)
MAX.INSANE jump height (m)
MAX.INSANE jump flips
unique jumps completed
MAX.INSANE jump ratation
best INSANE Stunt so

percentage completed游戏完成度
mission attempts任务进行次数
playing time游戏时间
day passed in game 游戏中已过去的天数
safehouse visits 进入藏身点的次数
rampages passed没玩过游戏不是很清楚,猜想是主角进入暴走状态的次数
hidden packages found 找到的隐藏物品
people you have wasted 杀死的人数
people wasted by others被别人杀死的人数
road vehicies destroyed 摧毁的路面载具数量
boat destroyed 摧毁的船只数量
planes helicopers destroyed 摧毁的直升飞机数量
tire ppoed with gunfire 单词拼错了吧,可能是说打坏的轮胎数量
total number of wanted stars attained 得到的通缉星级总数量
total number of wanted stars evaded 躲避掉的通缉星级总数量
times busted 被逮捕的次数
hospital visits 进入医院的次数
number of head shots 爆头的次数
daily police spending 平均每天用于贿赂警察的费用
criminals wasted 杀死的罪犯数量
kgs of explosives used 用掉的炸药量/千克
bullets fired 总共射出的子弹数
bullets that hit 集中目标的子弹数
accuracy 设计精确度
dist traveled on food (miles) 单词拼错了,food应该是foot,步行走过的路程/英里
dist traveled by car (miles) 开车走过的路程/英里
dist traveled by bike (miles) 起自行车走过的路程/英里