
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 17:56:15
怪物史莱克(迈克•梅尔斯 配音)和骡子唐基(艾迪•墨菲 配音)在冒险后,他们先从喷火龙和暴军手中救出了奥菲娜公主(卡梅隆•迪亚兹 配音),史莱克也有幸成为了她的丈夫。在他们度完蜜月之后,来自“遥远国”的钦差来到他们居住的沼泽地。原来,奥菲娜公主的父母、“遥远国”的国王和王后邀请女儿女婿回国,他们要见见久别的女儿和还末谋面的女婿。
公主从前的仙女教母(詹尼弗•桑德斯 配音),很早前就曾叫自己的儿子“魅力王子”(鲁帕特•艾弗瑞克 配音)去城堡里屠龙救美,可惜让史莱克抢先了一步。她觉得公主变丑全是因为怪物史莱克搞怪。为了抢回她想要的儿媳,她警告国王这对怪物的到来,将会给他的国家带来更可怕的灾难。国王无法,只得同意了仙女教母去寻找怪物猎人,对付那只大怪物。
仙女教母来到童话世界的恶人谷“毒苹果酒吧”,打听能除掉怪物的人,有人告诉她,一只穿靴子的猫是有名的怪物猎手。于是,这只猫(安东尼奥•班德拉斯 配音)跟着仙女教母来到了遥远国,它要使出自己的佐罗剑术,与史莱克大打出手,却没料到自己反被这只大怪物弄得…

Shrek (Mike Myers dubbing) and mules Tangji (Eddie Murphy • dubbing) in the adventure, they will start with the fire dragon and rescued the hands of a sharp-Aofeina princess (Cameron Diaz • dubbing), Shrek also privileged to be her husband. End of their honeymoon, from "distant" the envoy came to the swamp they live. Originally, Princess Aofeina parents, "remote" the King and Queen invited her son-in-law home, and they have to meet the daughter and felt also seen at the end of the son-in-law.
Shrek and Princess Aofeina pack get those genies swamp monster they prepared for their carriage, mules rushed into the distant country. Citizens lined up distant country welcomed the princess and been taken back, blowing their horn pounding drums, lively deafening sound. However, they did not think of how, down from the carriage, it is - two monster.
People looking at distant countries jumped off the wagon a big monster, and they will become the Princ