
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:04:14
1.I like music有优美歌词的
2.Did you see the watch 我父母作为生日礼物给我的
3.I won't believe a word 他告诉我的
4.The river 我过去常常在里面游泳的has been polluted
5.The dog 我给它喂过鱼的 is a present from a feiend of mine
6.Gone with the wind is the nuvel我最感兴趣的
7.Here you ever seen the book 书皮破的
8.I have a cat 它的毛是黑白色的
9.Mary is visiting some friends 住在北京的
10.The dog 给我们送早报的 always rides a bike.
11.I will not make friends with those 撒谎的
12.The beautiful girl 我们刚才碰见的 is a famous singer
13.Did the man上个月我领着参观我们学校的 come again?
14.The girl 我们老师正在同她谈话的 is new in our class
15.I have a friend他的口语非常棒
16.The woman 其画正在美术馆展览的 is my next-door neighbor.

1.I like music of which the lyric is beautiful.
2.Did you see the watch that my parents gave me as my birthday present.
3.I won't believe a word he tells me.
4.The river I used to swam in has been polluted
5.The dog that I've ever fed on fish is a present from a feiend of mine
6.Gone with the wind is the nuvel in which I'm the most interested.
7.Here you ever seen the book of which the cover is torn.
8.I have a cat whose fur is white
9.Mary is visiting some friends living in BJ.
10.The dog sending us morning newspaper always rides a bike.
11.I will not make friends with those who tell lies.
12.The beautiful girl we met just now is a famous singer
13.Did the man whom I showed around our school last month come again?
14.The girl with whom our teacher is talking is new in our class
15.I have a friend whose oral English is quite good
16.The woman whose paintings are now on display in the galler