
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/19 20:19:18
《金锁记》是张爱玲最出色的中篇小说,二十世纪中叶,翻译家傅雷在一篇文章中说《金锁记》至少应列为当今文坛“最美的收获之一”,它“最美的收获”就在于作家张爱玲在这个短篇中塑造了曹七巧这个人物形象。张爱玲笔下的人物,照她自己的说法,“全是些不彻底的人物” ,只“除了《金锁记》中的曹七巧”。最初,七巧无力选择自己的婚姻,开始了不幸的婚姻生活。姜家这个小型封建王朝几十年压抑生活的浸染,几十年非人的精神折磨,使得七巧扭曲了心灵,丧失了人性,套上了黄金的枷锁,成了一个阴鸷毒辣的“母亲”:对金钱要占有,对子女也要占有;自己的情欲未能满足,便吞食子女的幸福与生命来补偿,将亲生子女当作自己的殉葬品。一步步由封建婚姻的受害者最终沦为用金钱劈杀别人的封建势力的代表,完全成了封建社会的害人者。作者写她的人性被摧残,尤其是对她酷虐灵魂的揭示细致入微,令人过目不忘,堪称现代文学中的一个典范。
婚姻 情欲 金钱欲 报复 毁灭

-- On the "Gold Lock" in the image of Cao Qiqiao
"Gold Lock" is the best novella Zhang Ailing, the middle of the 20th century, translators Fu Lei said in an article in the "Gold Lock" should be at least as today's literary scene, "one of the most beautiful harvest", it "most beautiful harvest" lies in this writer Zhang Ailing in shaping the short Cao Qiqiao this figure image. Zhang Ai-ling's figure, according to her own statement, "are not more thorough figures" only "Apart from the" Gold Lock "in Cao Qiqiao." Initially, Qiqiao unable to choose their own marriage, the marriage began unfortunate life. Jiangjialiang this small feudal dynasty for decades suppressed life disseminated, several decades inhuman mental torture, making Qiqiao twisted souls, lost their humanity, got caught up in the gold chains, Yin Zhi sinister become a "mother": possession of the money to