
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 22:56:28
文摘:本设计题目是宕昌县沙湾镇大寨中学教学楼施工组织设计与施工图预算编制,该教学楼的总建筑面积大约是4876平方米,抗震设防烈度:八度 ,共四层,其主要功能以普通教室,计算机实验室和办公室为主,结构类型为砖混结构,建筑设计总高14.4m,每层层高3.6m,结构使用寿命50年。
其主要工作分三部分:工程量计算、施工方案设计;编制横道进度计划、施工平面图的设计;概预算的编制 。分层分部分项使用广联达慧中造价软件进行工程量的计算, 对于施工方案的选择采用比较先进合理的流水施工方案,在综合考虑工程量和施工方案的情况下,并结合具体施工工期,采用梦龙造价软件绘制网络进度计划及横道图,并且考虑场地因素、交通问题、水电利用、人力与机具搭配的情况下选择了比较合理的方案绘制出了施工平面图。
[关键词]: 施工组织设计、施工图预算 、工程量 、横道进度计划 、施工平面图

Abstract: This design is entitled Dangchang County town of Dazhai Sandy Bay secondary teaching building construction design and construction plans budgeting, the teaching building of a total construction area is about 4,876 square meters, the intensity of earthquake-proof: 8, a total of four, and its main function to the general classroom, laboratory and office-based computer , structure types are mixed brick structure, the architectural design of high - 14.4 m, 3.6 m high per layers, the structure of life 50.
Its main work is divided into three parts: engineering calculation, the construction program design; The progress of the preparation of Tropicana plan, the design of the floor plan; Overview budget preparation. The use of layered sub-segment of the wide-hui in the cost of software engineering calculation program for the construction of more advanced reasonable chosen as a flow implementation plan, in the Composite consider engineering and construction programs circumstan