
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 08:59:21
窗体是vb.net应用程序的基本构造模块,程序运行后,成为与用户交互操作的实际窗口,用于向用户显示信息或接受用户的输入.窗体可以是标准窗口、MDI(Multi-Document Interface,多文档界面)窗口、对话框或图形化例程的显示表面等的设计器。从形式上来看,窗体相当于一块白板,提供给程序设计者摆放控件、形成用户界面,并编写代码来操作数据。


窗体是vb.net应用程序的基本构造模块,程序运行后,成为与用户交互操作的实际窗口,用于向用户显示信息或接受用户的输入.窗体可以是标准窗口、MDI(Multi-Document Interface,多文档界面)窗口、对话框或图形化例程的显示表面等的设计器。从形式上来看,窗体相当于一块白板,提供给程序设计者摆放控件、形成用户界面,并编写代码来操作数据。

Form is the basic module of a VB.NET application. When invoked, it becomes the window for user interaction. It displays messages to the user and receives inputs from the user. A form can be a standard window, an MDI window, a dialog, or a display panel for graphics routines. Form is like a whiteboard for the programmer to place their controls, form user interface, and code to manipulate data.

Control is part of a program, such as those usually encountered in a software--button, interface style, spreadsheet, report, etc.--they can be programmed by using Controls. Controls are like the furnitures in a house. They form with other parts the e