
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 13:50:28
Robert Stephenson was a slender man, of attenuated frame. He was an exceedingly amiable person, and was long remembered for his curious love of nature as well as of romance. He was accustomed, while tending his engine fire in the evenings, to draw around him the young people of the village, and to feast their imaginations with his wonderful stories of Sinbad the Sailor, and Robinson Crusoe, besides others of his own invention. Hence he was an immense favourite with all the boys and girls of the place, and " Bob's engine-fire " was always their favourite resort. Another feature in his character, by which he was long remembered, was his strong aifection for birds and animals of all sorts. In the winter time, he had usually a flock of tame robins about him ; and they would come hopping familiarly round the engine-fire, to pick up the crumbs which he saved for them out of his slender dinner. In summer time, he went bird-nesting in his leisure hours ; and one day he took his l

"Another feature in his character,by which he was long remembered, was his strong aifection for birds and animals of all sorts." when you translated this sentence,you omitted "Another feature in his character",please try to add it,because in translation of english literary works,you should pay attention to the detail. Another word you'd better pay atterion to is " with delight ", the word can't be translated to "喜悦之情", I advise you translate it into "高兴的谈论着那时的情景". The whole translation will be perfect when you notice some details.
just an advise.