
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 01:20:52
Warm feelings begin from the tasting of dishes in our various restaurants. Drinking in Chinese Restaurant as excellent tonic soup, also enjoying Mexico foods in Revolving Café, would both warm up your stomach. Of course, you would better relax yourself in Rose Garden Restaurant to choose a good mood from the red wine and authentic western foods, if you prefer Bobo’s life style. After dinner, please give your body a SPA in Nan Hai Sauna, it is a warmest luxury option.

在中餐馆喝美味可口的汤汁,或在Revolving Café享用墨西哥美食都会让你的胃兴奋起来。当然,如果你偏爱BOBO的生活方式,你最爱还是在玫瑰花园酒店中,从红酒和西餐中调整状态,放松身心。酒足饭饱后,在南海桑拿去做个spa(水疗?),那是顶级的温馨的选择。

最后一句话前面怎么是逗号 英文中间一句话都应该用句号

