
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 18:56:10
城市化是中国社会发展的一大趋势,伴随着城市化的进程,大量的农民涌入城市,成为城市建设的一支主要力量,而就是这些为现代化做出贡献的人,他们的生活及其子女的成长发展却成了他们心中的痛。90年代以来,以农村劳动力向城市流动为重要形式的城乡人口流动成为我国社会最为重要和最为引人注目的现象,其持续时间之长、规模之大,在我国社会生活和经济生活的多个方面日益显露出广泛而深远的影响。资料显示,在全国大约 8000万名农村进城务工者身边,有二百多万学龄子女同行。在社会学研究者那里,就像农村进城的外来务工者被称为“社会弱势群体”一样,这些外来流动儿童被称为“社会处境不利群体儿童”。这群以农民身份出现在城市的孩子,他们或是在家乡出生被父母带到城市,或在城市出生而继续留在城市,在现代化的城市里,在目前尚未消除的城乡壁垒下,他们的父母从事着各种又脏又苦又累的,城里人不愿意干的工作,他们和父母一起生活在大城市的角落和边缘,他们从小在城市生活读书,却不能成为城市的一分子,体会着户籍制度及由此而来的身份差别,城市繁荣的诱惑与拒斥,所有的这些在他们眼里是如何反映的?在他们幼小的心灵中又留下了什么?他们是否可以摆脱他们父辈那种“边缘人”的命运,真正融入到社会的主流呢?这些都成为一个无法回避的社会问题。

哪位高人可以帮忙翻译成英文?这是论文摘要。不要在线翻译的那种 ,翻译出来不通顺。。。语法也不对。

The urbanization is the major tendency which the Chinese society develops.Following the urbanized advancement,large number of farmers well up in to the city, therefore it became the main power of City construction.But for these people who makes contribution for the modernization,their life and their children's growth has actually become their pain in their hearts. Since the 90's,as rural labor force and countryside population flows to the city,it become Chinese society's most important and the most noticeable phenomenon. Because of the long sustained duration and it's big dimension reveals widespread and profound influence day by day in China
's social life and economic life in many aspects.The material demonstrates that there is about 80 million countryside workers and more than 2 million children who comes to the city to work. According to sociological researcher, they call countryside workers (who comes to the city to work)"Society feeble group"