
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 09:35:41
9.未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得转委托。根据本协议所建立的甲方和乙方在协议有效期内的关系仅属卖方和买方的关系。任何一方均无权对某一第三者代表另一方,或以另一方的名义签订合同。本协议并不产生代理权,如果任何一方以另一方的名义或以另一方代理人的名义行事,以致另一方遭受损失时,该导致损失的一方,应使受害的一方不负担由此而发生的损失和费用。双方并未也无意建立任何代理、合伙、合营企业或雇主和雇员的关系。授权期限为: 。2008年的波咯尼亚展会后乙方销售代理权限可以另行协商确定。

Without the consent of Party A, Party B shall not subcontract.the relation subject to this contract in its duration is only the relation between seller and buyer. Neither of parties has the right to represent the other party or sign a contract with a third party in the name of the other party. This contract excludes right of Agency, should either party acts as the other party or as the agent of the other party and damages and loss thus inccured to the other party should not be borne on the aggreived party. the two parties to this contract have not established and are not willing to establish any relations as agency, partenership, joint venture, or emloyment.
Term of authorization:
the right of sale agent for Party B may be negotiated after the fair of Bologna in 2008