汉英翻译 半白话文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 04:15:12
有女阿宝(Ah pao),绝色也。日择良匹(注:选配偶),大家儿争委禽装,皆不当翁意。生时失俪(注:有个人丧偶),有戏之者(注:有人开玩笑的建议),劝其通媒(注:提亲)。生殊不自揣(注:“生”是男子的意思),果从其教。


有女阿宝(Ah pao),绝色也。日择良匹(注:选配偶),大家儿争委禽装,皆不当翁意。生时失俪(注:有个人丧偶),有戏之者(注:有人开玩笑的建议),劝其通媒(注:提亲)。生殊不自揣(注:“生”是男子的意思),果从其教。

There was a beautiful girl named Ah pao. One day she was choosing a good spouse for herself. Many people flirted with her but did not want to be the choice. Meanwhile, there was a man whose wife had died. Then someone joked that the man should court the girl. The man did not think much and simply followed his suggestion.

An old man had a beautiful daughter. One day wanted to find a good husband for her. Many rich young men wanted to be his son-in-law, but he wasn't satisfied with anyone of them. Meanwhile, there was a man whose wife was dead. Then people suggested the man for fun that he should marry the old man's daughter. The man was not afraid and then really followed people's suggestion.