
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 09:09:55



54 movements carry on the cultural revolution is thoroughly sinceopposed the feudal culture the movement, the character has had theChinese history, but also has not had such great and the thoroughcultural revolution At that time as soon as opposed the old moralsadvocated the new morals, opposed the old literature advocated thenew-vernacular literature for the cultural revolution two big flags,has established the great merit

The Chinese character origin has the certain mystical color, has allkinds of fable to explain its production How did a fable narrate aYellow Emperor under the official historian which name is Cangjie toobserve birds' and beasts' trail When he notes each animal's trail tobe all different, when has may debate the nature, has received theinspiration, thereupon he becomes each object picture the picture Andsimplified the line quantity The pictographic character which this iswhich most early appears Han Dynasty linguistics Xu Shen said
