
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 20:10:26
1 . Another case in point is Citibank’s special system which recognizes atypical spending patterns in the use of credit cards, thus being able to alert customers to the possible loss or misuse of their cards. If there were no such knowledge-oriented technological assistance, enterprises would not possess a strong concept of knowledge management (KM).The highest value of IT to KM is in allowing the expansion and universalization of the scope of knowledge and in increasing the speed of transferability. Additionally using IT,we are able to retrieve and store knowledge in individual or groups, which allows this knowledge to be shared with other divisions in the same organization or business partners in the world. Furthermore, IT contrib-utes to the integration of knowledge or even to the stimu-lation of new knowledge
Nowadays, a long-lasting competitive advantage is achievable only if companies develop into knowledge-cre-ating companies (Carlucci & Schiuma,2007;Vouros,2


如今,公司只有将自身发展成为知识创新型公司才能具有较长时间的竞争优势 (Carlucci & Schiuma,2007;Vouros,2003)。但是,很多公司在执行KMS时面临各种各样的困难。首先,如果知识只是在工人的大脑中积累,就没有办法将其系统的记录下来。其次,即使知识被记录并保存在文件中,要寻找,恢复或回顾也非常复杂,这给知识的传播设置了障碍。所以,在过去的时间里,尽管经理们知道KMS的重要性,但是要成功地执行它却非常困难(Bradley, Paul, & Seeman, 2006)。

2 知识管理和信息技术
IT概念在当今的商业领域已经很普遍,但是其定义仍然包含着某些难以明了的方面。这项研究主要将IT作为一种可以管理,存储并且传输有结构的知识的工具进行详细研究。这将有助于我们要将知识存储在人脑或文件中,能够被组织里的所有雇员一起使用的努力(Davenport & Prusak, 1998)。在知识管理的过程中,知识的吸收,创新,管理,存储,转移和整合都依赖于IT提供的援助。Khandelwal 和Gotts- chalk (2003) 指出IT在支持知识管理方面 的应用明显影响了组织内部知识的连通结果。Spiegler(2003)认为特定的方法,比如数据挖掘技术,对组织从数据库中提取有用信息很有帮助,特别是其被应用于如市场营销,客户管理(CRM)和电子商务的时候。另外,Sher 和Lee (2004)提出,通过IT的应用,内生的和外生的知识都可以有效管理,同样也能够提高企业的动态竞争能力。
