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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 06:40:49
Fig. 3 shows the measured Vo and the current through the
signal line versus at 77 K for a typical sample in a DC
test with a 1 load resistor. Clearly as surpasses 2.8 V,
and curves show a sudden drop, and is clamped below
2.5 V and is limited below 2.2 A at the same time. Beyond
the limit point, the HTS film becomes a normal-state metal with
finite resistance, which dissipates the excess power.
To make the data more clear, in Fig. 4 we plot the input power
, output power , , and the resistance of the signal
path in CPW device all together for different testing
biases. The x-axis is the sequential number (SN) of the test.

图。 3显示测量VO的,以及目前通过
信号线,银两在77 K中的一个典型样本,在直流
2.5 V和有限低于2.2 ,在同一时间举行。超越
为了使数据更加清晰,在图。 4我们的阴谋输入功率
种种偏见。 X轴是顺序号( SN )的考验
