关于约翰温德汉姆(John Wyndham)的介绍? 有加分

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关于约翰温德汉姆(John Wyndham)的介绍? 有加分

著名的短篇科幻小说家,1903-1969,全名或者说真名是John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris ,挪威人,他的作品有
Chocky (1968)
The chrysalids (1955)
Consider her ways and others (1961)
The day of the triffids (1951)
The Kraken wakes (1953)
The Midwich cuckoos (1957)
The secret people (1935) [Written as John Beynon]
The seeds of time (1959) [Short stories]
Sleepers of Mars (1973) [Short stories, written as John Beynon, containing Sleepers of Mars, Worlds to barter, Invisible monster, The man from Earth and The third vibrator]
Stowaway to Mars (1972) [Written as John Beynon and originally published as Planet plane (1936)]
Trouble with lichen (1960)
Wanderers of time (1973) [Short stories, containing Wanderers of time, Derelict of space, Child of Power, The last Lunarians and The puff-ball menace]

约翰·温德汉姆(John Wyndham,1903—1969),英国著名科幻作家。1925年开始写短篇小说,1930至1939年曾以各种笔名在美国发表作品。1946年开始写科幻小说,主要作品有