
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 18:32:06
Hello. I’m the student ChangShi who are ready to go to America in January. As you know, I come from China. Due to failed to the visa last time , one semester has been delayed. And now I’m already grade two of high school, but the letter of admission is still belong to the grade ten.Let’s talk about the student ChengPinghan who go with me , we hope to be at the same school even class. But he just apply this year, so he will be take the grade eleven according to the letter of admission.. I think our achievement level is almost the same, so I want to know could I also change to grade eleven just because we hope to graduate at the same time and any other reasons. Could the school do us the big favor? Please write back as soon as possible. Thanks a lot! (请尽快给我回复 ,谢谢)



Hello. My name is CS and I am from China.I am ready to go to America in January. Due to the failure of getting a visa last time,i was unable to make it to the US in the last school semester.I am now in the second year of high school in China.As you might know,there is another student from China,PH,who is in the same school and same grade as me in China . He applied in this year and he got in year11 in your school.I think our academic standards are about the same and i hope that you might consider putting me into the same year as him in school.Thank you for your understanding and i look forward to hear from you as soon as possible.

你大概是在写申请入学的申请书吧,建议你写的正式一些,尽量不要有任何语法错误。文采方面不是很重要,最重要的是你表达清楚你自己的想法。还有,一些比较私人的理由可以省略,因为一般的人员不太在乎这些。可以在信尾加上“yours faithfully”,显得好一些。

Dear Sir/Mam;
My name is ChangShi from China, I'm very excited to have been accepted into your school and will start my