
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 14:29:59

索尼将创新融入产品理念之中,与技术创新相结合,超越了技术的创新,以创新的产品理念深入人们现有的生活状态。Walkman就是索尼创新性产品理念的最佳代表。我们难以想象索尼的Walkman对于当代音乐尤其是流行音乐的普及作出的贡献。Walkman给人们带来的欢乐没有人能够想象,它成为年轻人追逐潮流时尚的选择,已经陪伴很多人度过寂寞旅程的良友。Walkman 创造了后来的耳机立体声产品市场,为了给walkman 系列产品发展小而轻的可供选择的部件,索尼还将耳机产品进一步小型化,并不断改其质量。Walkman的发明证明了索尼不仅取得了产品开发的巨大成功,而且创造了一个全新的个人娱乐市场,给业界创造了无限的商机。

尽管索尼在研发彩色电视机方面起步较晚,但1968年特丽珑"Trinitron "彩色电视机的成功,特丽珑显像管却是第一个被授予了电视业界的最高荣誉的产品。继承了索尼的开拓精神,于1995年成功开发了“等离子显示”平面屏幕。掌握顶尖显示技术才能取得为了多媒体业务的先机。索尼正在以独创的“贵翔引擎”技术结合数字及高清晰度信号接收、IT、数码及无线等先进技术把电视变成真正充满魅力的互动工具。

Ta from Japan's first tape recorder G-start, Sony has been in the scientific and technological experiments to explore the road ahead, Sony's design concept is to the convenience and interest of consumers first, the realization of the small and light, reduce costs.

Sony innovative ideas into products, and technological innovation combined beyond technological innovation, innovative products to in-depth idea of people existing living conditions. Sony Walkman innovative products is the concept of the best representatives. We unimaginable Sony's Walkman music for the contemporary pop music in particular the contribution made by the popularity. Walkman bring joy to people no one could have imagined, it became the fashion trend of young people chasing the choice of the company has spent many lonely journey good friend. Later, the creation of the Walkman stereo headset market, in order to develop walkman series of small, lightweight alternative components, Sony will