
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 01:34:19
西安旅游食品厂(Xi’an Tourist Food Stuff Factory)生产的锅巴(the rice crust),颇受中外人士喜爱,请为外宾写一篇该产品简介。
1.由米制成,2.香酥可口(crisp),余味深长,味道种类多3.营养(nourishment)丰富,老少皆宜 4. 即开即食,可用于旅游小吃,还可用于烹饪菜肴 5.不含任何人工原料

The rice crust is produced by Xi’an Tourist Food Stuff Factory. It is made from rice. It is crisp and tasty. It has many kinds of flavor. it is rich in nourishment and suitable for all ages of people. As soon as you open it ,you should eat it soon. You can take it for a travel or just make it as a dish. It is a healthy food because it contains no artificial stuff.

锅巴看得出来是用米做的吧,所以应该是 made of rice
"即开即食",意思是一开就能吃,As soon as you open it, you can eat it. should有必须应当的意思,语气太重了。can才是"能够"的意思。
可用于……还可用于……You can either have it as snack when traveling or cook it as a dish.
人工原料 artificial ingredients