
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 04:55:54
摘要: 泰勒公式是数学分析中非常重要的内容,集中体现了微积分“逼近法”的精髓,在微积分的各个方面都有重要的应用。本文关于泰勒公式的证明,给出了带各类余项的泰勒公式,并给出了其证明方法;而泰勒公式的应用部分主要采用举例分析的方法,讨论了三个问题,即应用泰勒公式求函数极限、证明不等式、求近似值方面的应用及技巧。论文最后分析总结出了带佩亚诺型余项的泰勒公式与带拉格朗日型余项的泰勒公式的相同与不同特点并重点总结出在哪些情况下应用泰勒公式求解问题.通过以上几个方面的研究,使我们在特殊的情况形成特定的思想,使解题能够起到事半功倍的效果。


The Taylor formula is in the mathematical analysis the very important content, the centralism has manifested the calculus “the approximation” the essence, has the important application in calculus each aspect. This article about the Taylor formula's proof, has given the belt each kind of error term Taylor formula, and has given its proof method; But the Taylor formula's application part mainly uses the example analysis the method, discussed three issues, namely asks the limit of function, the certificate inequality using the Taylor formula, to ask the approximate value aspect the application and the skill. Which situations did the paper ultimate analysis summarize the belt to wear Asian the error term Taylor formula and belt Lagrange the error term Taylor formula same and the different characteristic and summarizes with emphasis applies the Taylor formula solution question. Through above several aspect's research, causes us to form the specific thought in the special sit