
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 16:36:42

1.he had convinced me of the difficulty of finishing the task.

2. have you received the most recent infomatin transmitted by the Shengzhou VI spaceship?

3. nowadays, while examining the mummies, scientists have to put on special uniforms to protect themselves.

4. on thing is for sure. he was not at the murdering scene.

5. the robbers had sacked the gold in the local bank.

6. Directors who attendted the meeting discussed how to demonstrate their newest products to the present mayor.

7. the suspect claimed that he had nothing to do with that theft.

8. the stock market crashed. he lost all his fortune overnight.

9. his intoxicated driving caused the accident and the death of three girls.

10. By the end of last year , she had passed all the necessary tests to obtain an doctor's license.

完全手翻. 新年快乐!!

1.He caused me to believe completed this task difficult.