
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 08:51:17
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权责发生制 Accrual Basis
会计实务过程 Accounting recognition (不确定、不过意思对上了)

Over a long period of time, the accrual basis principle is the foundation of accounting recognition in our country.

Over a long period of time, the verification of Accounting Practice is erected upon accrual basis principle. Following such principle, no matter payment has been accomplished or not, actual income and relevant expenses should be reckoned in current revenue. Its purpose is to evaluate corporations' current profitability. However, undoubtfully, accrual basis principle has its own limitation, which brought accounting negative effection variably, and this has been realized as a visible problem. The analysis and discussion around accrual basis will be carried through the contradiction between the negative effection and practical applications.

For a long time, China's accounting practice has been to produce an accrual basis for accounting confirmed. Accrual basis of the view that whatever has been achieved in the current period income and the cost has occurred, regardless of whether the money collection, and should be expensed as income and expenses. Its purpose is to asses