
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 04:04:08
我于1988年进入韩资皮具企业在产品技术开发部任职,1990年1月份因本人工作出色被派往意大利学习意、德生产管理技术,1993年回本公司任生产技术管理总监,1997年进入英资企业皮具有限公司任生产经理,2004年1月份进入美资皮具企业公司任副总对生产进行全面管理。本人精通女装手袋、背包、箱包等高品牌产品。例如: COACH、LV、TOUS......本人拥有出色的指导皮具的现场管理经验,管理全厂的皮具生产系统及运作,监控产品品质及创新设计,组织策划产品开发有较深经验,能对客户进行融洽的沟通,且能了解客户的需求并据此进行设计方案。

Apply for the director of suit case manufacturing factory:

I worked at Leather Product Korean Foreign Factory in 1988. As for my dedication spirit of working and my ability to learn, I was honored to be sent to Italy to learn the advanced manufacturing techniques of the foreign countries of Italy and Germany. I was returned in 1993 and worked as the director of manufacturing technology. And then I worked as a director of manufacturing department in a English Foreign Factory. And 2004 as a deputy manager in charge of all the leather suit case business in a American Company. I have a good command of the Women Handbags, esp. the High Terminal Brands, such as LV, Coach and TOD'S. I have good working exprience of managing on scene and known the operation of the leather products well. I have the ability of controlling the quality and designing the new style. Also I have the experience of negotiating with the clients and work out the plan for the customers.

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