
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 01:28:34
第一章 《文选》李善注引《尔雅》原文研究。本章对完全相同者只做简单列举,重点探讨不完全相同的地方,于是分为“文字有异,但意义无异”和“文字有异,意义亦有异”两个方面,并从脱文衍文、字形关系(通假、同源、异体)、训诂术语等方面进行分析研究。

第二章 《文选》李善注引各家《尔雅注》研究。本章将李注中引郭璞《尔雅注》的内容单列一节,与第一章的分析方法相同,对其文字上的差异所引发的意义上的差异做出具体分析。将李注中所引孙炎、犍为舍人、李巡的《尔雅注》与郭璞注相对比,从而对现已亡佚的非郭璞注本《尔雅》作一间接了解。
第三章 《文选》李善注引《尔雅》之特点及评价。通过前两章的分析,我们得出李注所引《尔雅》的优点和不足之处,并对其做出客观评价。

Chapter I, "Selected Works" Li Shan Note Reply "Yi" original research. This chapter of the same, only a simple list, and do not focus on the same place, therefore divided into the "text vary, but the significance of the same" and "[a different meaning there are differences," two aspects, and the delinking from Yanwen, orthographic (Qualcomm false, and the same source, allograft), in areas such as terminology Interpretations of analysis and study.

Chapter II "Selected Works" Li Shan Note Reply individual, "Yi Note" study. The chapter will Guo Pu Li cited in the note, "Yi Note" the contents of a single row, with the first chapter of the same method as their text triggered by the differences in the sense of making specific analysis of the differences. Li Notes will be quoted in the Sun Yan, Qianwei Shiren, Li visited the "Yi Note" compared with Guo Pu Note, which is now the Wang Yi Guo Pu note o