
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 06:38:58
1. Although the play was not praised by the critics, it did not close thanks to favorable word-of-mouth comments.

2. In a happy, somewhat boisterous celebration of the origins of the United States, the major phase of the Constitution’s Bicentennial got off to a rousing start on Friday.

3. When Frazer’s editors at Macmillan tried to restrict his endless augmentations, he insisted on a type size so small and a page so packed as to approach illegibility; and if that proved insufficient, thinner paper.

4. We now know that what constitutes practically all of matter is empty space; relatively enormous voids in which revolve infinitesimal particles so small that they have never been seen or photographed.

5. Both China Beach and Tour of Duty reflect the way dissent has become domesticated in America; what were radical antiwar attitudes in the 1960s are now mainstream TV attitudes.
不一定要几个句子全部翻译完, 只要有一个能给我做参考, 我也会非常感谢各位高人!!!

1. Although the play was not praised by the critics, it did not close thanks to favorable word-of-mouth comments.



