
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 01:49:48
关于合同XXX的那批空运过来的货物有一包外包装破损.造成破损的原因不明.破损是在分解理货时发现的(During breakdown of pailet/container)集装箱的铲板上有散落的粉状物.现在那包破损的货物还在上海海关.我们将会附上货物破损的报告和证明破损的照片.但是由于邮箱所能传送的文件比较小的原因,照片无法正常传送过来.可以给我一个QQ邮箱地址么?或者是其他支持发送大文件的邮箱地址?

There was a damage on the pack of the goods, in the contact XXX, which were transported by air. The reason of the damage was not identified. The damage was discoverd (During breakdown of pailet/container). Some powder-like material was found around the 铲板 of the container. The goods are still in the Shanghai Custom now. We will Email you the report of the damage of the goods and the pictures. But because the size of this email is very large, the picture are not transfered properly. Could you please provide us a QQ mailbox or another mailbox which supports larger-size mails?