
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 10:09:58

Liaoning Normal University is located in the beautiful coastal city of the north - "Romance is" Dalian, coastal mountain landscape. Liaoning Normal University, founded in August 1951, 56 to school, and trained more than 77,000 professionals all, the school has developed into a basic education teacher training, scientific research and higher education specialized personnel training centre.
A 1897 school faculty, 1,005 full-time teachers, 50 PhD supervisor, Master's Tutor 402; existing 15,749 undergraduates, doctoral postgraduates 3100, serving pursue post-graduate master's degree in education 1280, the United States received , Japan, Russia, Germany, South Korea and other countries were 591 students.
Liaoning Normal University has 22 colleges (Centre), 75 Majors and direction, two provincial-level model professional, six provincial-level key disciplines, and fostering key disciplines, two provincial-level key laboratories, three provincial-level humanitie