
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 21:03:34
“Well, I don’t know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different. We’re in hawk to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. They’re holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We also are running hundred of billions of dollars worth of trade deficits with them, as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we’re buying from Wal-Mart. So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years”.


好吧,我不知道如果中国有什么不同,但我们与中国的关系肯定是不同的。我们正在鹰向中国达到我们的眼球,因为在伊拉克战争,为一件事。他们持有数千亿美元,值得我们文件。我们还运行了几百个价值数十亿美元的贸易赤字,与他们,因为我们继续输入自己的垃圾与铅漆对他们和毒害,宠物食品和出口,你知道,工作的地方,你可以支付给工人一美元一个月转出的东西,我们买的东西,从沃尔玛。所以,我认为我们与中国的关系有一定改变。我认为,他们基本上是相同的一群goons和恶棍,他们已经为近50年来的" 。