
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 18:09:53
当前校园中的人际传播面临着网络和现实的双重挑战。一方面,通过网络等新型媒介建立起来的人际关系比较脆弱,造成“人机热 ,人际冷”的局面;另一面,现实的人际矛盾随着大学世俗化而有加深之忧。提高校园中人际传播的传播效果是改善校园人际关系的重要手段。总的来说,有以下两个对策:一是创造条件,发挥学校在提高校园中人际传播效果的地位和作用,二是发挥学生的主观能动性,优化性格,掌握技巧,面对压力。

The current campus interpersonal communication networks and the reality faced with the double challenge. On the one hand, and other new types of media through the network of relationships built up relatively fragile, with "man-machine fever, interpersonal cold," and the other side, the reality of interpersonal conflicts with the University of secular concerns have deepened. Improve campus the spread of human-to-human transmission effect is to improve the campus an important means of interpersonal relationships. Overall, the following two responses: First, create the conditions for schools to play in improving the campus of the effect of human-to-human transmission status and role, and the second is a student initiative, and optimize character, skills, in the face of pressure.