
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 22:48:30
According to the machine design, TTT should be loaded in A tank and the mixture of SSS+AAA should be loaded in B tank. It means that the customer should perform the blending of SSS+AA (according to the mixing rations mentioned on the technical data sheet and the hardness they would like to achieve).

通过机器的设计,TTT应该装在A罐中.SSS+AAA 混合物则应装在B罐中.这样客户就能完成SSS+AAA的混合。(根据技术数据表提到的配比量和客户所需要的硬度)

通过机器的设计,TTT应该装在A容器里.SSS+AAA 混合物则应装在B容器里.这意味着客户应该通过技术数据表提到的容量和他们要达到的硬度去做SSS+AA 混合物